Diario del 10 LUGLIO 2014



La giornata odierna chiude la prima parte della quarta Field School Pozzeveri. Nell’occasione abbiamo ricevuto la gradita visita delle ragazze partecipanti alla nostra “sorella minore”, la Summer School in Osteoarchaeology and Paleopathology, organizzata da IRLAB e UNIPI. Dopo aver guidato gli ospiti sulle aree di scavo, gli studenti della Fieldschool hanno sostenuto l’esame di metà corso e chiuso provvisoriamente il cantiere. Seguirà, per i prossimi quattro giorni, un midterm break, in cui allievi e istruttori potranno tirare il fiato e ricaricarsi per il rush finale.


Le studentesse della Summer School in osteoarchaeology and paleopathology con la dr.sa Simona Minozzi
Le studentesse della Summer School in osteoarchaeology and paleopathology con la dr.sa Simona Minozzi

AREA 2000

As it rained heavily last night, we spent the majority of the day bailing water out of the trenches and graves of our area, after which site tours were given. The remaining portion of the day was spent cleaning and scraping the parts of area 2000 that were not saturated with water, and thus filled with mud.

AREA 3000

Today was a shortened work day because the field school had its midterm exam in the afternoon. Area 3000 cleaned and opened up the north east part of Sector A that was excavated in previous seasons. The foundries for the church bells, large brick circles built to mold the bronze bells, were exposed but left covered by a protective cloth. The oven used to melt the metal for the bells was also cleaned and exposed. A group of students from our sister program at the University of Pisa came to visit Badia Pozzeveri today as well, so the members of Area 3000 gave a tour explaining the history and uses of the area and what we hope to continue to find there this season. This weekend the field school is on a midterm break unti l Tuesday, after which Area 3000 will continue to examine the newly opened lithic coffin, and begin to excavate some burials in Sector B along the southern wall of the medieval abbey.

AREA 4000

Today at Field School Pozzeveri we had only a half day of excavation. The previous night there were thunderstorms which left the majority of the Areas filled with water. In Area 4,000 we took the morning to bail out water from the area, sponging out as much as possible only for ground water to seep back up and re-fill the potential burials. Once we had removed as much water as possible, we troweled the area in order to restore it to the prior day’s status. After troweling the area, it began to rain again and excavations were ended for the day. We return to excavation on Tuesday, July 15.

AREA 5000

Today in area 5000 a majority of the morning was spent bailing water from the heavy rains last night to prepare the site for our visitors from the university of Pisa. Due to the fact that there was so much water on site, excavation along the east half was impossible due to mud. The morning was spent excavating the last area of slate in the north west quadrant, giving site tours and preparing the site for the long weekend.

AREA 6000