Diario del 29 LUGLIO 2014


AREA 2000

 Today, we continued excavating the burial in the southwest corner of 1000 and the one within the brick structure of 2000B. In addition a new cut was explored north of the the burial in the southwest corner of 1000B. There were also a lot of small circular cuts explored within 1000.

AREA 3000


Today, the area was cleaned to prepare for a picture. Unfortunately, the rain did not permit us to open any new burials or excavate new areas, which we hope to do in the future.

AREA 4000

We began by preparing Area 4000 for the final photographic documentation. We trowel cleaned sector A to remove biological debris deposited over night from the overhanging trees. We also continued to excavate USK 4821, we finished uncovering the skeleton and took photographs before removing the bones. GIS points were recorded. After the bulldozer finished exposing the remaining portion of Area 6000 we began shoveling the loose rocks and asphalt. We proceeded to pix axe and remove what remained of the asphalt foundation until we reached the underlying contexts. To make the contexts more visible we did a rough trowel cleaning of the area removing loose gravel. During the cleaning we found what we believe to be an extension of both a wall and a trench uncovered in Area 3000. We discovered multiple bone fragments and pottery sherds. The discovery of a cranium directly under the asphalt alludes to the presence of burials close to the surface. We expect further excavation will reveal more of the wall as well as more burials.

AREA 5000


Today in area 5000 we started the day by cleaning the surface layer. This was to ensure that different contexts would be visible and contrast clearly. Aerial photographs were than taken. Unfortunately, it rained for the rest of the day, and after helping other areas, we were required to stop our work.