Diario del 20 LUGLIO 2016


AREA 2000

Today we finished excavations in Area 2000. Vicki finished removing and packaging skeleton 2757 with Jaidee, which we also confirmed was from the 11th or 12th century. Max, Kit, Lydia, and Courtney pickaxed and cleaned in the northern portion of Sector A, which is almost ready to be permanently closed. Shelby and Eugenio, with some help from Morgan, removed skeleton 2764. Because this skeleton had antemortem breaks in the ribs, each rib was packaged individually. Morgan additionally helped Lydia to clean the western extension. Tomorrow we will finish cleaning the whole site, take final points for GIS, and final pictures before covering it up for the season.

AREA 5000

On this the eighteenth day of field school, we continued the excavation of the deep hole and continued to level the site. There were more pottery sherds found in the hole, however these sherds were not an adequate size to provide much information. We know that the sherds are from before the thirteenth century.