GENERALEE' iniziata lunedì 19 giugno 2017 la settima campagna di scavi a Badia Pozzeveri.Dopo gli straordinari risultati della scorsa estate, le ricerche riprendono da dove si sono fermate, per approfondire la conoscenza dei livelli archeologici dell'abbazia medievale ed esplorare i contesti cimiteriali attorno alla chiesa di San Pietro. Terminate le indagini delle aree 1000 e 4000, poste rispettivamente in prospicienza dell'abside e del chiostro, gli scavi andranno ad investire i seguenti saggi:
AREA 5000We first started by cleaning up the site; removing hay and tarps. Afterwords we gave the site a once over and cleaned off the remaining detritus from the covering before softening the top layer of dirt with water and revealing the top dirt layer of the current stratum propper. During cleaning we found several small flecks of charcoal in various locations near the eastern end of our plot next to the wall base as well as some slate chips, including a larger slate (partially damaged during exposure) possibly remaining from a fallen roof or used as a hole covering, and some brick fragments, mostly near the bell foundry. |
AREA 6000 |