Diario del 27 GIUGNO 2017


AREA 2000

We opened the site this morning by taking photos and points of the profile and overhead views of the grave cut that intersects perpendicularly to the fourteenth century wall (marked by soil color gradients). One person continued to excavate the exposed bone east of the femora, uncovering four left metatarsals, two tarsals, three right metatarsals, and both distal ends of the tibiae. The other two people cut down the grave, uncovering possible rib, humerus, and clavicle. None of these can be distinguished at this time until further excavation occurs. 

AREA 3000

Nella porzione centro-meridionale del Settore B continua la messa in luce dell’individuo USK 3781, orientato W-E e deposto supino all’interno della fossa sepolcrale US – 3769, a ridosso del perimetrale USM 5003. Parte del corpo dell’inumato, apparentemente non molto ben preservato e piuttosto frammentato, è ricoperta da alcune lastrine di scisto messe di piatto, forse ciò che resta di un’antica copertura, in parte intercettata ed asportata da azioni antropiche di epoca successiva. L’utilizzo di tali pietre a contatto diretto col corpo del defunto compare anche in un’altra tomba individuata più a nord-ovest, US – 3771. Tale fossa sepolcrale, orientata W-E immediatamente a ridosso della facciata USM 3380, contiene i resti scheletrici di un individuo in connessione anatomica, complessivamente in buono stato di conservazione, il cui lato sinistro del corpo ed il torace sono ricoperti da alcune lastre di ardesia. Domani si continuerà la messa in luce di entrambi gli scheletri, riferibili con ogni probabilità alle fasi di vita della canonica di XI secolo.


Today, we continued the excavation of section 3770 and exposed a majority of the subadult’s left side. Most of the left tibia was exposed and cleaned. We have also potentially found the right tibia. We have also found part of the right side. Some bones near the right femur were found and are thought to be fingers of the right side. In addition, the right humorous was also found, which is thought to potentially be cut through by the 12th century wall of the abbey phase of the church. This would mean that this skeleton is significantly older than the other burials that have previously been excavated that surround the burial. It is also thought the ulna and the radius – if they are present – are under a blue/violet stone of the same type that is covering part of the cranium. This piece has remained in situ for later documentation. We have noted that the vertebral column that has thus been exposed and identified is oddly positioned with a sort of curvature. This, in comparison to the rest of the lower limbs (which are laid out straight), suggests that the body was like this during life as opposed to having been moved after burial. Further inquiry is required to definitively explain this interesting area.

Other areas were also taken down, including part of the prominent bell furnace in the center north section of Sector B. In the northwest area, right below the west-east trench, a burial was exposed. This body was notable because of the angle at which it was uncovered. It seems that the burial was originally flat, though the body shifted post burial. The head was also partially cut through by the same 12th century wall of the abbey as mentioned before. A nicely preserved mandible was found very close to the wall, supporting the thought that the cranium was cut by the wall. The chest area was also covered by the same blue/violet stone mentioned above. Finally, a section to the west of the 3770 burial was also taken down, though nothing of significance was found. Tomorrow, we will continue to expose the two skeletons. 


AREA 5000

Today we cleaned and leveled section c three times. We found three pot sherds, only one of which was pertinent. After wattering and cleaning we discovered thirty two more holes and two additional possible holes. The semicircle hole found in section b continued into section c, revealing the location of a previously unknown hut that existed on that site before the church, which ties in many of the pottery and hole discoveries in area 5000 and may lead to a better understanding of the site as a whole. We also discovered a bent iron nail. We then labeled and photographed the entirety of section b and c. We have not yet begun excavation of any of the new holes.