Diario del 28 GIUGNO 2017



Giornata piovosa, quella di oggi. Il gruppo di studenti è così rimasto all'interno della chiesa ad assistere ad alcune lectures tenute dal prof. Gino Fornaciari e dalla dott.ssa Chara Tesi.

AREA 2000

We continued to excavate our 12th century skeleton, uncovering the right side of the skull, a portion of the right pelvis, and more of the left and right metatarsals. Eventually, we had to discontinue excavating as a thunder storm began and it started to pour. When the storm subsided, the entire section of our area was flooded. We proceeded to pale out water, but not for very long before another storm cloud appeared. Unfortunately, after paling out 4-6inches of the water, it was determined that the skull was obliterated, which led us to infer that the rest of the skeleton is also obliterated. 

AREA 3000

Today we continued to work on the areas that were being excavated yesterday. The skeleton on the south-central perimeter of sector B was exposed more today. The right tibia has yet to be found, but more of the vertebrae were uncovered. In addition, more of the right coccyx was exposed which leads us to question our original thought that this skeleton is a subadult. The bone is quite large for a subadult and therefore could simply be an adult with short stature. The area to the west of this body was also excavated. A tibia, thoracic vertebra, and scapula were found jumbled together and not in anatomical position. The body in the northwest section of sector B (below the west/east trench) was also further excavated. The day was cut short due to downpour, so we had two lectures on paleopathology and age and sex estimation.

AREA 5000

Nella giornata di oggi, dopo la pulitua del settore C, sono stati individuati oltre trenta tagli di forma circolare distribuiti su tutta la superficie indagata. Alcuni di questi, più grandi rispetto agli altri, sembrano disposti lungo una linea curva che farebbe pensare al profilo di una struttura in legno posizionata in questa zona del sito. Lo scavo di uno dei riempimenti individuati (US 5362) sta portando alla luce frammenti ceramici privi di rivestimento cronologicamente in fase con le nuove evidenze emerse. E' stata infine individuata una concentrazione di elementi litici nella porzione centrale del settore, costituita quasi prevalentemente da ciottoli di fiume immersi in una matrice argillo-limosa.

Today we cleaned and began excavating some of the holes around the bell foundry. On the south end of the foundry there was a mid-sized hole, roughly thirty centimeters in diameter, containg pebbles and small deposits of red clay as well as a black sedment of unknown provenance. It is most likely that this hole was cut by the bell foundry and existed before the abbey was built on the site. We also excavated a similarly sized hole to the north east of the foundry and found small ceramic fragments, which were bagged for later study, and began excavating a smaller hole near the northern edge of section c, which contained small pebbles, several naturally occurring metal deposits of unknown type, and a large, rounded stone. It is so far unknown whether the stone is simply part of the fill of the hole or was intentionally placed there to support a structure, though due to the slanted position of the stone it may be less likely to have been placed for structural support. 

AREA 6000

Il maltempo che ha colpito la zona non ha permesso di completare la giornata lavorativa su campo, nel tempo utile è comunque proseguita la rimozione dei riempimenti UUSS 6167 e 6168. Tale operazione sta procedendo a non elevatissimi ritmi a causa della grande quantità di frammenti ossei nello strato ed è importante valutare continuamente se e quando ci si trovi in presenza di eventuali riduzioni.

Continued to clean both US6169 and US6168 revealing a humerus, ulna, and radius in the upper right side of US6168. This means that US6168 is now a complete burial.