Diario del 29 GIUGNO 2017



Anche oggi una giornata di pioggia e sole. Il gruppo si è concentrato sulla pulizia delle aree e su una serie di lectures.

AREA 2000

After yesterday’s rain, we found our section still flooded this morning. Some bones had become dislodged, which we will not be able to recover for study as they are now out of context and we cannot be sure where they came from. Because it was still raining in the morning we spent the day in lectures, one lecture on 3D photogrammetry and lectures on filling out the stratigraphical context sheet and the skeleton context sheet. By mid afternoon the weather had improved enough to continue paling out the water with buckets and sponges. The tarp covering our 12th C skeleton was still mostly in place, we will not be able to assess the damage until the remaining water has dried. We now have to wait for our section to dry enough to resume excavation, hopefully tomorrow.

AREA 5000

Today, because of severe rainstorms the night and the morning of, we were unable to dig. We proceeded to empty our section of water from the deeper holes (such as the bell furnace) and continued to scrape section C until reaching a damp area. We now wait for the site to dry correctly in hopes that we will be able to excavate tomorrow. Furthermore we have placed a plank of wood above one of the holes intersecting the wall running north to south in an attempt to preserve the wall which had begun to fall apart due to the severe weather.

AREA 6000

Began the day with two lectures on 3D photogrammetry and how to fill out Stratigraphic context sheets. In burial US6167 the slate was numbered US6172 and the bones laying on top were numbered US6173. We then continued to clean and expose the bones in burials US6168 and US6169.