Diario del 13 LUGLIO 2017


AREA 2000

The group of Area 2000 focused on the Southeast portion today, starting out with pickaxing of the overall top layer. During pickaxing, one member exposed a partial cranium. We then trowelled the area from West to East clearing the surface of excess dirt and debris. After a second heavy trowel, the area was then wet with a hose to reveal any differences in soil color and texture. It was then determined that there is a maximum of eight potential burials in the area, four of which we chose to begin excavating. Members were divided to excavate each potential burial equally. 

US 2817 has partially exposed two cranium, 2813 has partially exposed one cranium (from pickaxing), most of the thorax, scapula, left ribs, right humerus, 2820 has partially exposed one cranium, one right humerus, and possibly radius or ulna of the right side, and 2823 has partially exposed one transversely cut cranium, clavicle, and humerus. Each burial will most likely be fully excavated and removed on Friday, July 14th.

AREA 3000

Nella porzione meridionale del Settore B si è proceduto con la rimozione dei risparmi fra le tombe e con un generale abbassamenti dell’area, con lo scopo di mettere in luce, come nella porzione settentrionale, i livelli più antichi inerenti alla frequentazione della chiesa di XI secolo. A sud-ovest continua la messa in luce dell’individuo USK 3800, orientato W-E e deposto all’interno della fossa sepolcrale US – 3798; a contatto diretto con il corpo dell’inumato sono state individuate alcune pietre di notevoli dimensioni, forse i resti di una copertura originaria o di una piccola struttura collassata all’interno della tomba in seguito a processi tafonomici. Nella porzione nord-occidentale del settore è iniziato lo scavo della fossa sepolcrale US – 3805, orientata W-E, contenente i resti scheletrici di un individuo subadulto, che sarà messo in luce nei giorni seguenti.

Today in sector B, skeleton 3800 was further excavated, revealing a second right fibula and tibia in addition to an unidentified bone between the two tibias and another unidentified bone above the femur (there’s only one femur as of today). Skeleton 3793 was completely removed and the base the grave was exposed. In 3825 a small grave was found and partially exposed to find remains that are potentially from a juvenile. South of the East/West trench an elevated region of the landscape was leveled about 20cm to reveal potential features of interest. Tomorrow, the skeletal remains in 3825 will be further exposed, the grave of 3800 will be leveled for photogrammetry and the area south of the trench will cleaned and have contexts numbered and labeled for a photo.

AREA 5000

We dug through the northern most side, evening out the excavation sectors, stopping at the 18th century layer, then continuing down to a charcoal layer (16th cent?). We found nails and sherds, and we were already in the Medieval ages. After we continued excavating and we found some animal remains. On the sounthern most wall we discovered part of a marble column that was shattered, along with finding 14th century pottery. After which we continued to excavate untill we reached a level of shale, bricks, and possibly remnants of mortar.