AREA 2000Today in area 2000, we continued excavating the three burials that we uncovered yesterday. Each burial was initially cleaned, troweled and leveled, and then carefully excavated around the exposed bone with wooden skewers and brushes. At about 11:15 we covered each burial with fabric in preparation for rain, which proceeded to flood the area and soak the surrounding soil. Other than clearing away some top layers of the area to assist in the drying process, no further progress was made because the area was too wet. |
AREA 3000Nella porzione occidentale del settore continua la messa in luce dell’individuo mal preservato USK 3800, orientato W-E e deposto supino in US – 3798, lungo il margine meridionale della trincea moderna US – 3386. La porzione superiore sinistra del corpo dell’inumato è coperta da alcuni elementi litici di media pezzatura (US 3842), forse il residuo di una copertura originaria che chiudeva la tomba. Nella porzione meridionale del settore sono stati messi in luce alcuni tagli di fosse sepolcrali, in particolare US – 3836, più ad ovest, UUSS – 3840, – 3838,– 3834, - 3832, - 3830 più ad est. Tutti i tagli in questione sono orientati W-E, ad eccezione di US – 3830, che è orientato S-N, il cui riempimento US 3831, a matrice argillo-limosa, è in parte intercettato, ad est, da una buca di forma circolare US – 3784. |
AREA 50005000 has decided to expand even further into the cloister area, previously excavated by members of 4000, in order to gain a clear understanding of the relationship between area 5000 and the edge of cloister. Having decided this we proceeded to remove the remaining concrete in area 4000 and plan to absorb the unexplored area into 5000. Finally we finished up the day by cleaning and flattening this new area while tidying up the rest of 5000. |