Diario del 22 GIUGNO 2018


AREA 3000

Nella porzione sud-orientale del Settore B continua la messa in luce dei resti osteologici riferibili alla riduzione US 3891 e dell’individuo in connessione anatomica USK 3889, orientato W-E e deposto in decubito dorsale all’interno di US – 3887, lungo il perimetrale meridionale USM 5003. Nella porzione nord-orientale del settore, la rimozione del riempimento US 3896 a matrice argillo-limosa sta permettendo la messa in evidenza dei resti, mal preservati, di un individuo adulto (USK 3905), orientato W-E  e deposto supino in US – 3895; più a nord-est è iniziata l’indagine della fossa sepolcrale US – 3901, contenente l’inumato USK 3885, anch’esso apparentemente in cattivo stato di conservazione, con il cranio parzialmente schiacciato dalla pressione esercitata dal sedimento e gli arti inferiori ruotati verso sud. Nel corso dei prossimi giorni si procederà con la messa in luce completa di tutti gli individui rinvenuti sia nella porzione settentrionale che meridionale del settore.

Within the grave of 3891, there were more unrelated bones found including a metatarsal on the most eastern part of the reduction as well as vertebrae. Ribs, vertebrae, scapula, fibula, and a tibia were found in relation to the 3889 skeleton, along with heels and two possible limb bones. On the 3896 site, the skull was discovered and needs more of the wall around it to be removed in order to uncover the rest of skull. Evidence of ribs as well as the radius and ulna on the left side of the body were partially uncovered when bringing the grave down to level. There were also two tibiae, one fibula, and evidence of feet within the grave. Finally in 3902 more bones were exposed around the skull.

AREA 5000

The students in section D finished cleaning the area for a picture. After the picture was taken, the area from the wall of section C to the previously dug part of section D had to be removed. This was done by pickaxing 2 cm down but this excavation was halted when a red discoloration was discovered. This discoloration seems to be prevalent through this layer in certain areas. The excavation was continued with trowels, pieces of pottery, fragments of bone were found, and three small pieces of glass were found. The students in section C continued to excavate the hole containing slate, and also to investigate a second hole to see if they are from the same context. We exposed the tibia and also found what looks like a cranium, another undefined bone, and more bone below the cranium and took photos. After these photos were taken the tibia was removed from the hole. The bottom of the hole was discovered to contain more slate, but we do not know yet if the two holes are from the same context. Next week we will continue to dig them. The rest of the area was photographed before four other areas of discoloration in the main part of section C were excavated.