Diario del 29 GIUGNO 2018


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Nella porzione settentrionale del Settore B si è proceduto con la documentazione e successiva rimozione dei resti osteologici degli individui USK 3885 e USK 3905, orientati W-E e deposti supini rispettivamente in US – 3901 e US – 3895. Nella porzione sud-orientale, la rimozione dello scheletro dell’inumato USK 3889 ha messo in luce i limiti della fossa sepolcrale US – 3887, piuttosto lunga ed ampia, che probabilmente doveva ospitare originariamente una cassa lignea, ormai decomposta, in cui era stato adagiato il corpo del defunto.

All skeletal remains were extracted including remains 3889, 3885, and 3905. Pictures were taken of all remains prior to removal. The bottom of cut -3887 was found, measured, and photographed. Danielle, Chloe and Lexi were in Osteo lab at various times of the day. Julia and Amy were in GIS lab at various times. Students had a brief lecture on photogrammetry.

AREA 5000

Today the students in section D continued working in the cut, revealing a bead and exposing the bones that were found earlier. The bone that was identified as a rib yesterday was re-identified as part of a cranium that was then removed from the cut. The students in section C continued to excavate down to a new level of soil to investigate potential holes near the external wall. After a small section was brought down to this new level, some holes were found and began to be excavated. So far we have found a piece of pottery in one of the holes.