Diario del 10 LUGLIO 2018


AREA 3000

Nella porzione settentrionale del Settore B si è proceduto con la documentazione e successiva rimozione dei resti scheletrici degli individui USK 3931 e USK 3904, orientati W-E e deposti supini rispettivamente all’interno delle fosse sepolcrali US – 3920 e US – 3908. Nella porzione sud-occidentale del settore prosegue la messa in luce dell’inumato USK 3905, orientato W-E e sepolto in posizione scomposta all’interno di una tomba piuttosto stretta. Continua inoltre lo scavo e l’indagine delle buche circolari che costituiscono la paleosuperficie US 3947, tutte piuttosto profonde e riempite da un sedimento a matrice argillosa di colore giallo-rossastro e di consistenza abbastanza compatta, con tracce di carbone. Le buche in questione hanno dimensioni diverse: UUSS – 3928, - 3937 e – 3939 hanno un diametro di 7-8 cm; UUSS – 3922, - 3924 e - 3926 misurano 28-30 cm, mentre US – 3941, che costituisce la buca angolare compresa fra US – 3924 e US – 3922, ha dimensioni notevoli, con un diametro di 43 cm, a sottolineare l’importanza del palo che probabilmente doveva ospitare. 

We removed skeleton 3904 and took measurements and photos. Context sheets were filled out for the skeleton, the cut, and the fill. The skeleton in the southern half of section B was further excavated. Context sheets were filled out for the previously excavated holes. Three more holes were excavated in the southern portion. New circular cuts were identified in the northeast corner of section B.

AREA 5000

At the start of today’s excavation, students began by cleaning section C for photographs. Photographs of the holes dug yesterday were taken to be used in creating 3D photogrammetry models of the site, this involved taking multiple pictures from various angles and photos, but with reference to white “points” placed around the site. Afterwards photographs of the entire context were taken. After the photographs were taken, the entire area of section C was taken down about 5 cm. The students in section D took down the area 5 cm, during which animal bones, human teeth, long bones, and bone fragments were uncovered. Marble, pottery shards, iron nails, other oxidized metals, and glass were also found. A large piece of slate was exposed adjacent to the long bone, which may indicate a cut that runs north-south.