AREA 3000Nella porzione meridionale l’abbassamento generale del settore ha permesso l’individuazione dei tagli di altre buche di forma circolare e di varie dimensioni. Nella porzione settentrionale è iniziata la rimozione degli strati UUSS 3906 e 3907, con lo scopo di mettere in luce i livelli di frequentazione più antichi. Today in the Southern Section of B we dug five holes, taking soil samples from two. Hole 3972 which had significant depth and was one of the holes in which a soil sample was taken. The fill 3960 was partically removed from a hole and a soil sample was taken as well. In the Northern section the area was leveled to the level of the trench that bisects the unit and cleaned. |
AREA 5000Today was a very interesting day for area 5000. We stumbled upon what we think may be 2 adjacent seperate burials (at least one definite burial) to the East side of section C. We found this burial to be buried in the crypt manner from the East to the West. The bones consisted of a cranium and what we think may be 2 humeri and a shaft of a long bone. In Section D, we continued to level down the pit. While doing so, we found a tooth with a fragmented root (possible a left upper second molar) and numerous other bone fragments. Consistent with previous findings, all bones were extremely friable, sun bleached, with delamination and erosion of the cortical surface. During the last hour, we began to extract the skull very delicately with wooden picks and brushes - to be continued on Monday. Meanwhile in the charcoal deposit below the bell furnace, the area was first cleaned in order to have phtogrammetry done on the area of the feature. We then removed the entirety of the black charcoal deposit, in otrder to expose the layer below. The feature was then cleaned again with trowels, ready for photos to be taken on Monday. |