Diario del 23 LUGLIO 2018


AREA 3000

Nella porzione meridionale del settore è iniziata l’indagine delle nuove buche di forma circolare precedentemente individuate; quelle più piccole, con un diametro di 8-10 cm, sono riempite da un sedimento a matrice argillosa, di colore giallo-grigio e di consistenza abbastanza friabile; le più grandi, con un diametro di 30-35 cm, sono invece caratterizzate da un riempimento a matrice argillo-limosa, di colore rossastro e di consistenza compatta. A nord continua l’abbassamento del settore e la rimozione degli strati UUSS 3906 e 3907.

Today in Section B of Unit 3000 the Northern half was scratched twice to level and cleaned. Jess was in Osteolab Shrishti were in GIS Lab. Fill US 3980 was finished being removed from cut -3960, it consisted of yellow and red clay with some white pieces and some small pebbles, the bottom has the same soil matrix only without the inclusions. Another hole in the Southwest corner of Section B to completion there were several inclusions of orange and yellow clay with several rocks. On the southwest corner next to the trench that bisects the North and Southern sections another hole was excavated, containing some small pebbles and brown and red clay. We will be taking photos of the unit in its entirety tomorrow.

AREA 5000

Dopo aver ripulito la fornace per la fusione della campana e messo in luce il taglio US -5597, che costituisce la base della canaletta di areazione della struttura, si è proceduto con la sua documentazione fotografica. Inoltre continua lo scavo di US 5527, un riempimento individuato a ridosso della struttura muraria USM 5042. E' cominciata infine la pulizia superficiale dell'area 7000, situata nella regione più occidentale del sito, tra Area 5000 e Area 6000.


The bell furnace feature was cleaned and photographed for the final time, before it was decided that the feature had been very thoroughly inspected. In the East side of Section C, the trench (of the possible burial) was leveled down even further to see if the possible burial (Section D) articulates with bones found on the other side. Bone fragments were found along with a possible patella fragment (or cranial). In Section D, we continued to level down the trench and, along the process, found more bone fragments along with three teeth (one lower right first molar, one lower right third premolar and one possibly extremely worn upper fourth right? premolar). The other members of the group of Area 5000 were moved to help with the opening of Area 7000. We took turns pick-axing and shovelling through the core stone layer to get down to older soil. Many sherds of pottery from various more recent time periods, as well as some iron nails, and glass were found.