Diario del 24 LUGLIO 2018


AREA 3000

Nella porzione settentrionale la pulizia generale del settore ha messo in luce i limiti di alcune buche di forma sub-rettangolare e circolare: UUSS – 3984, - 3986, - 3988, - 3990, - 3992, - 3994, - 3996, che tagliano lo strato US 3983, a matrice argillosa. Nella porzione meridionale è iniziata la rimozione dello strato US 3964 e l’abbassamento del settore.

The Northern Section of B was cleaned and photos were taken of both the northern and the southern sections, five more holes were found. Context sheets were written up for the post holes dug yesterday and last week. The wole of the Southern section of B was pickaxed through first half, then cleaned and washed, and the second half was started. Jess and Srishti were in lab in the morning and Konrad was in lab this afternoon. 

AREA 5000

While working on exposing the bones of the South end of the feature In the East side of Section C, half of the half cranium was exposed. The edge of the half cranium is surprisingly well-defined resembling an autopsy cut. Miscellaneous bone shards, a humerus, and the shaft of a long bone were exposed as well. In Section D, we continued to level down the trench to the level of the previously dug North pit. During the process, we completely extracted the skull, a number of bone fragments, and found 2 teeth (a lower left first molar with a damaged root and an undefined molar due to extensive wear).  Members of 5000, who are helping to open Area 7000, continued with pick-axing and shovelling the rubble in the morning and managed, by the end of the morning, to reach the next stratigraphic layer. In the afternoon, they trowelled the entire area and dusted with brushes to completely expose the first layer. New age pottery and roof tile fragments were found but since it is a mixed layer, they are quite insignificant and out of context.