Diario del 27 LUGLIO 2018


AREA 3000

Nel Settore B si è concluso l’abbassamento generale della porzione meridionale che ha permesso la messa in luce dei limiti di nuove buche di piccole dimensioni e di forma circolare e quadrata, concentrate perlopiù a sud-est. A nord è iniziata l’indagine delle buche UUSS – 3984, - 3986, - 3988 e – 3990, con la rimozione dei rispettivi riempimenti a matrice argillo-limosa.

Today the southern half of sector b was lowered with pickaxes to a few centimeters below the level of the  east-west drainage trench, and then cleaned and wet to look for new contexts.  Due to the change in color of the soil from yellow to red/brown, we believe we have  broken into a new layer, which was found to contain several darker patches indicative of postmolds or similar filled-in holes. The northern half of sector b was similarly cleaned and wet, resulting in the descovery of  several cuts. Thus far some of the newly discovered holes in the northern half of the sector have been excavated, and the others will be excavated within the coming days.

AREA 5000

In section C, all the bones that were exposed in the South trench were removed. We began to excavate the North-East section, in order to expose the exterior wall that was previously thought to be older than the burial below it. This belief has recently been put into question. In the process, three teeth were found (2 premolars and 1 upper molar).