Diario del 06 AGOSTO 2018


AREA 3000

Continua la rimozione del riempimento US  3830 a matrice argillosa all’interno della fossa sepolcrale US – 3830, orientata S-N lungo la facciata originaria della chiesa di XI secolo, di cui rimane solamente la fossa di spoliazione. 

Today we continued to define the grave cut feature, attempting to keep the level of the fill even as we continued to lower the fill level. The cranium was further exposed and more teeth were found. We also exposed the scapula, clavicle, pelvis, femur, and a calcaneus; this was difficult as the bones found have extremely poor preservation due to the nature of the clay. Excavation has been slow as the clay has multiple layers in which are is very compacted. Multiple bone framents and the left femoral head were removed and stored properly since they were already loose within the fill.


AREA 5000

Today, team members troweled and cleaned section D. Two areas East to the center were investigated (leveled down to analyze the stratigraphy) with no significant findings as of now.