Diario del 21 GIUGNO 2019



Ricostruzione 3D dello scheletro USk 6253

USk 6253 by IRLAB on Sketchfab

AREA 6000

Area 6000/A - Today, we continued our excavations in area 6000/N. We began excavating the northern side of the northwestern grave, and found the complete right side of the lower limbs, pelvis, and upper limbs. We need to expand the grave in order to potentially find the left half of the skeletal remains. There were many fragmented long bones in the southwest grave, and underneath was an intact femur potentially part of another individual. In the northeast grave, we continued to expose the skeletal remains. The right side of it was intact, and there were two skulls present. There were numerous scattered skeletal remains in the southeast grave of our area. 

Area 6000/B - Today, we finished exposing the nearly complete skeleton in the middle of the three graves, including the right side of the ribcage and the roots of two unidentified teeth. It has been determined that no intact cranium is present. Photographs of the individual were taken in situ. On Monday, we plan on removing the slate and rocks that remain in the grave in order to expose the regions that are still covered. In the morning, we continued to dig down in the second grave, 6242, and uncovered teeth. We then excavated a collapsed skull in the grave, as well as a femoral head and portion of an os coxae. This individual is believed to be associated with the original 11th century church. On Monday, we plan to continue to excavate further into the grave and reveal more of the skeleton.