AREA 1000Kailey Anabel and David completed work on Sector C today by finding the base of the foundation for the transcept. After cleaning and taking some pictures of the sector, the work was officially done. Then, Kailey Anabel began working on a possible small fill that contains rocks and may be a part of a larger trench. Continued troweling and analysis may lead to further interpretation. The rest of the members of Area 1000 started their day by cleaning off the top most soil of our site. Afterwards Alan watered down the site and assigned everyone to work on some cuts and holes that were revealed by the water. Stephanie was assigned a hole in section B, in which she removed the fill from it. The hole cut into an existing hole located immediately behind it on the East side. Once the fill of the hole was completely removed, the hole was revealed to be connected with one of our previously excavated holes. Sophie was assiggned to remove the fill from a hole that was parallel with the diagonal trench. We found a very interesting fill of charcoal and darker, moist dirt. The fill however seemed to be composed of two different materials, though no conclusions have been reached thus far. Additionally, the removal of the fill of this hole revealed perhaps, another oval shaped hole filled with lots of rocks which we will hopefully begin to uncover tomorrow. Steve was assigned to clean the various holes adjacent to the diagonal trench, and during the afternoon time, to clean out the rocks near the church. He also dug down another 2 cm to try and determine if the rocks that were previously cleaned were part of a larger chain, which we determined to be false. Caitlin was assigned to a cut on the opposite side of the diagonal trench from Sophie and Stephanie. We started out thinking it was a post hole inside a larger hole that was then cut by an even older trench. The post hole was filled with dark sediment - most likely carbon. At the end of the day, we had a new hypothesis that the post hole might actually just be the beginning of a larger hole. After we all finished cleaning our cuts and the rest of Sector B, Alan once again water down the site. We ended the day with brain storming theories and ideas about unexcavated cuts and why there are so many holes and cuts near each other. Though no theory was proven correct yet, we look forward to working more on the site to get a better understand of the our features. |
AREA 2000Nel Settore A procede l’indagine delle UUSS individuate gli scorsi giorni. In primo luogo si è proceduto alla rimozione dello strato di calce in US -2350 permettendo così la completa messa in luce di USk 2363 sepolto al di sotto. Si tratta di un adulto di circa 30-40 anni di sesso maschile perfettamente conservato, orientato E/W, avente il cranio ruotato verso nord, l’arto superiore destro disteso lungo il fianco e il sinistro flesso sul bacino, gli arti inferiori distesi paralleli. Come elementi di corredo personale e rituale sono stati ritrovati una croce a livello della mano destra, una medaglia collocata sopra la clavicola sinistra e una clip in rame a ridosso dell’avambraccio sinistro. La definizione delle pareti del taglio ha garantito l'osservazione in sezione di USM 2359: questa, inizialmente interpretata come piano pavimentale, rappresenta invece una struttura muraria abbastanza imponente avente una larghezza di almeno 60 cm, di cui ancora non sono chiare né la funzione né l’utilizzo. Today, in US 2368, a figure-8 shaped cut (-2368) was located in the eastern portion of Unit 2000, section A. The fill was removed in the southern-most portion of the cut, and some bone fragments were found. In the more northern portion of the cut, the fill was removed and over 25 tiny beads, a partial yet articulated vertebral column and glass shards were found and removed. |
AREA 3000Nel Settore A è stata individuata una fossa sepolcrale (US – 3318), orientata W-E e situata lungo la sezione Nord-orientale dell’area. La rimozione del riempimento US 3317 ha permesso di rinvenire una croce di piccole dimensioni, con un motivo circolare al centro, probabilmente di epoca medievale, collocata a Nord del cranio dell’individuo scheletrizzato Us 3316, che sarà messo in luce nei giorni seguenti. Nella porzione Sud-occidentale del settore è iniziata l’indagine della tomba a cassa litica US 3310, orientata W-E ed appoggiata al perimetrale Nord USM 3073. La rimozione del riempimento superficiale ha messo in evidenza lo scheletro di un individuo adulto (Us 3312) orientato W-E, ancora in corso di scavo, la cui porzione superiore del corpo è coperta da una grande lastra di ardesia messa di piatto, forse ciò che resta dell’antica copertura del cassone litico. A Nord di US 3310 è inoltre iniziata la messa in luce dell’individuo Us 3313, deposto supino all’interno del taglio US – 3315. Nel Settore B dopo aver terminato la documentazione e rimozione dello scheletro Us 3306, l’attenzione si è spostata su un’altra sepoltura (Us 3287), orientata N-S nella porzione centro-settentrionale del settore, immediatamente a Sud del muro USM 3073. Continua inoltre l’indagine ad Ovest della facciata dell’antica abbazia, finalizzata alla messa in luce di un’altra tomba a cassa litica, orientata S-N, che sarà approfondita nei giorni seguenti. Sector A burial in the north east portion of the central plateau was given the identifications 3316 for the skeleton, 3317 for the fill. The burial was levelled further and a scattered skull was discovered on top of the right os coxae. Skull was removed and right femur and os coxae were uncovered. Stratigraphic context sheets were completed for cut -3291 and fill 3292 of skeleton 3290.
AREA 4000Settore A – Saggio 4800 In section A, we cleaned the trench that has many different layers and a cut, to take photographs for documentation. Then, we began removing the different layers to find the bottom of the cut. We also continued to level out the test pit to find the preexisting context revealed in the original test pit. Pottery and nails were found in both areas. |