Archivio notizie di  Area 2000
Area 2000




Aperta a ridosso del perimetro settentrionale della chiesa, il saggio ha lo scopo di indagare le fasi cimiteriali della prima metà del XIX secolo. Dopo aver acquisito oltre un centinaio di sepolture moderne, tra cui quelle risalenti all’epidemia di colera del 1855, sono state individuate in profondità decine di sepolture medievali dell’epoca dell’abbazia di San Pietro (XII-XIV secolo).

Area 2000

24 LUGLIO 2017

Today in 2000 the excavation of the two burials (2843 and 2835) continued; the extremeties and cranium were further exposed and a headstone was uncovered above the cranium. The cranium, ribs, humerus, tibula, fibula and femurs of 2835 were further excavated. Another context was determined...

20 LUGLIO 2017

Today in Area 2000, we heavy troweled and cleaned the entire area from West to East. We then sprayed down the area so that we were able to identify any potential spots of interest, indicated by changes in soil colour and texture. Once two potential burials and one trench were...

19 LUGLIO 2017

The day began with the removing of the pelvis from Skeleton #2813. Taylor and Analisa than proceeded to close out Cut #2815 and clean up the Eastern side of area 2000 with trowels. Meanwhile the other excavators continued to level out the western half of Area 2000 with pickaxes and...

18 LUGLIO 2017

Today most of us pick axed the central and western end of area 2000. We encountered several features, which are probably burials. After uncovering them, we did a heavy trowel cleaning of the area. While doing this, we found two more trenches (of N-S orientation). Afterwards, we began to...

17 LUGLIO 2017

Today in area 2000 we fully excavated, bagged and tagged burials USK2820, USK2817, and USK2823. Pictures were taken of each burial and GIS points were recorded and filled out on the appropriate contact sheets. We then pick axed the area to the West about 2 inches down through the top layer....

14 LUGLIO 2017

Today in area 2000, we continued excavating the three burials that we uncovered yesterday. Each burial was initially cleaned, troweled and leveled, and then carefully excavated around the exposed bone with wooden skewers and brushes. At about 11:15 we covered each burial with fabric in...

13 LUGLIO 2017

The group of Area 2000 focused on the Southeast portion today, starting out with pickaxing of the overall top layer. During pickaxing, one member exposed a partial cranium. We then trowelled the area from West to East clearing the surface of excess dirt and debris. After a second heavy trowel,...

12 LUGLIO 2017

Continued excavating in the northwest corner of area 2000 (2811) approximately 6 inches in depth. Pickaxed over the entire surface to remove rocks and similar obstructions. Fragmented bone was found along the south edge of 2811 which was very fragile when being removed. Bone fragments were...



CAMPAGNA di scavo

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ANNO 2018

ANNO 2019

AREE di scavo

AREA 1000

AREA 2000

AREA 3000

AREA 4000

AREA 5000

AREA 6000

AREA 7000