Situata a sud ovest della chiesa attuale, tra l’area del chiostro e la chiesa medievale, è stata aperta per indagare gli ambienti monastici. La complessa stratificazione ha restituito tantissime tracce che coprono diversi secoli di storia: dalle strutture appartenenti alla canonica di XI secolo, dotata di edifici in muratura e in legno, all’impianto del monastero con gli ambienti destinati all’accoglienza dei pellegrini che percorrevano la via Francigena. Tra i ritrovamenti più cospicui, i resti di una fornace da campane dell’XI-XII secolo.
Today, we closed Section A and B for the season by placing tarps on the entire area, by placing dirt and rocks to prevent it from flying away. Section D was troweled and cleaned, for photogrammetry to be taken. Finally, when Section D was pickaxed, too many items were found for the site to...
Today, team members pickaxed and shoveled along the East wall, from South (Section C) to North (Section B) all the way to the North wall seperating Area 5000 from Area 3000. In section D, we levelled down the center North trench (Context 5589). Members continued to pickaxe 2 and a half feet...
Today, team members troweled and cleaned section D. Two areas East to the center were investigated (leveled down to analyze the stratigraphy) with no significant findings as of...
Team members cleaned all of Section D. We continued to excavate the hole in the South-West area (Context 5586). The hole is much deeper than previously imagined, more then an arm's-length at present and the fill continues deeper in the ground. An extremely eroded ulna, without enough...
We cleaned all of section D for photogrammetry and documentation, to be taken tomorrow. During the process, a human long bone was recovered along with a very odd piece of pottery (light blue chipped glaze or coloring, first apearing too lightweight to be a pottery sherd). It was ascertained...
Area 5000Dopo aver svuotato e ripulito i due tagli US -5047 e US -5045 che incidono sulla struttura muraria USM 5042 abbiamo potuto terminare la documentazione fotografica relativa a questa porzione dell'area. Si è proceduto quindi con la pulizia della porzione centrale del...
Today, we cleaned the North-Eastern (of the one previously mentioned) destruction trench of Section B for photogrammetry and documentation. Afterwards, we leveled down (approximately 1 cm) the channel in Section B using a pickaxe and a trowel to scrape it clean, to see if any features might...
Oggi sono stati scavati completamente US -5045 e US -5047, due tagli che intercettano la struttura muraria USM 5042 e già individuati durante le scorse campagne di scavo. Sul fondo delle fosse si osserva la cresta di rasatura della struttura che si ricollega ai setti murari...