Nella porzione sud-orientale del settore continua l’indagine della fossa sepolcrale US – 3830, orientata S-N lungo la fossa di spoliazione della facciata della chiesa di XI secolo. All’interno della tomba è in corso la messa in luce dei resti scheletrici di un individuo in connessione anatomica (USK 30065), apparentemente in cattivo stato di conservazione, deposto supino.
Today in area 3000, we continued the excavation of USK 30065 that was found in the south eastern section of sector B. As we continued to level and expose the bones for USK 30065, its thorax, right tibia, right fibula, left tiba, and a portion of the left patella were uncovered. Near the end of the day, the right humerus was uncovered and the distal ends of the radius and ulna of the right arm were found. There are now further plans to finish excavation of USK 30065 and find the entirety of the grave cut for -3080.
Today, team members pickaxed and shoveled along the East wall, from South (Section C) to North (Section B) all the way to the North wall seperating Area 5000 from Area 3000. In section D, we levelled down the center North trench (Context 5589). Members continued to pickaxe 2 and a half feet down the trench North of the one previously described (Context 5590). A metacarpal, 2 carpals, pottery sherds, a flint piece, and a human long bone were found.
Sono stati esposti i riempimenti UUSS 6246 e 6247, entrambi sul lato orientale del settore Sud, relativi ad altrettante sepolture. La mancanza di tempo utile nei prossimi giorni, prima della chiusura della campagna estiva, ci obbliga a documentarli in previsione del prossimo anno. Nei giorni successivi si procederà alla messa in sicurezza, pulizia e documentazione generale dell'area.
Today in area 6000 we found the cut of the grave for skeleton 6238. We began removing fill 6246 but instead levelled and cleaned the area as time is short and we will not be able to finish excavation if there is a burial located under the fill. We began cleaning the entire south half of area 6000 in anticipation of final pictures before the site is closed at the end of this week.
(group 3000) today more bone fragments were revealed within fill 6551, which will be cleaned and photographed tomorrow at which point the partial articulated skeleton and the various reduced elements will be removed. In the western third, many large rocks were found under the scattered bones and no new bone fragments were found. Another ceramic fragment was uncovered in this area. In the intermediate third, effort was made to determine if a forearm was attached to the humerus, but no radius or ulna were found. Several small bone fragments and a phalanx were found. In the eastern third, the level was lowered further around the articulated leg bones. Several bone fragments were found between the legs, and to the right of the distal third of the right femur.