05 LUGLIO 2018  

Resoconto della giornata di scavo

Area 3000

Nella porzione settentrionale del Settore B è iniziata la rimozione dei riempimenti UUSS 3909 e 3921 delle rispettive fosse sepolcrali UUSS – 3908 e – 3920, entrambe orientate W-E e riferibili alla fase cimiteriale di XI secolo. Nella porzione meridionale la pulizia del settore in seguito al suo abbassamento ha messo in luce i tagli di alcune buche circolari (UUSS – 3922, - 3924, - 3926 e – 3941) aventi le stesse dimensioni e che sembrano essere disposte a formare una specie di rettangolo o di quadrato, al centro del quale si trova uno strato di argilla compatta (US 3930) con tracce di arrossamento e frustoli di carboni. Oltre alle buche suddette, ne sono state individuate altre tre di dimensioni più piccole (UUSS – 3928, - 3937 e – 3939), di cui due, UUSS – 3939 e – 3937, vicine fra loro e collocate immediatamente a sud di una concentrazione di pietre di medie dimensioni (US 3932), che potrebbe rappresentare ciò che rimane di un piccolo basamento o di un supporto per un pilastrino, in parte intercettato e tagliato dalle fosse sepolcrali di XI secolo. Le numerose buche circolari allineate fra loro e disposte in modo regolare nella porzione sud-occidentale del settore potrebbero essere state realizzate per ospitare dei pali per i sostegno di una struttura in legno, forse una capanna, a pianta rettangolare, la cui frequentazione sarebbe testimoniata dalle tracce di arrossamento e di carboni che ne caratterizzerebbero il piano d’uso.  

We identified over ten holes dispersed throughout section B. A few of the smaller holes were excavated and all were photographed and measured. Three separated grave cuts were found. The first in the northern half of section B along the western wall. The lower half of a subadult’s two legs were uncovered. The second grave cut was excavated east of the bell furnace where we found part of a left leg. The third grave was excavated in the south portion of section B along the western wall. A small cranium was identified. Noelle was in Osteo lab all day and Chloe was in GIS lab all day.

Area 5000

Dopo aver rimosso completamente gli individui US 5560 e US 5561 si è proceduto con la pulizia dell'intera superficie e con la documentazione fotografica relativa. Si è deciso poi di concentrarci sullo scavo del settore meridionale dell'area nel quale si conservano maggiormente gli strati di deposito naturale offrendoci la possibilità di intercettare livelli di occupazione precedenti o coevi rispetto a quelli già documentati nelle altre porzioni indagate.

Today the students cleaned the eastern strip of section B and C. The remaining part of the mandible and teeth were removed. The southern portion of section C was pickaxed to bring it level with the eastern strip, it was then cleaned and moistened to reveal if there were anymore contexts.

Area 6000

Today, in area 6222, we continued working on what we thought was our partial skeleton, until we realized that what we uncovered next was an arm bone. Yesterday, we were convinced that our skeleton probably ended at the 1st lumbar vertebra, because we couldn’t find anything else in that vicinity or above it. But today, when we began troweling the sides of the grave to clear away the rest of the fill, we found a right forearm bone, and then began moving laterally and proximally to see if we could find more. Next, in the vicinity of the 1st lumbar, we began finding ribs, and then what is believed to be the 11th and 12th thoracic vertebra. The first and the 12th were divided by another bone fragment which was unidentifiable. A bone resembling a left scapula was also found towards the upper section of the burial, suggesting that more remains of the skeleton than initially thought.

Today we continued to expose the skeleton in context 6217. The fill of this burial has now been designated 6221, and the skeleton is 6218. We spent most of the morning exposing the remains including the reduction, which is situated around the complete burial. We also leveled the edges of the burial so that the cut could be clearly observed. Pictures were then taken of the burial at the end of the day, including photographs that will be used for photogrammetry. Tomorrow we will take points of the burial using the Total Station, fill out the context sheet, and then begin to remove the remains from the burial. In 6224 the skeleton was drawn and photographed, points were taken with the Total Station, and the bones were removed. While looking for the cut of the grave, the original clay layer was reached, and it is now apparent that later cuts transected this burial. The area of 6217 just north of 6224 will continue to be excavated tomorrow.


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