26 GIUGNO 2018  

Resoconto della giornata di scavo

Area 3000

Nella giornata di oggi, dopo aver completato la rimozione del livello di riduzione di resti osteologici US 3891, si è proceduto con la messa in luce dell’individuo USK 3889, orientato W-E e deposto supino in US – 3887, nella porzione sud-orientale del Settore B. A Nord, continua l’esposizione dei due inumati USK 3885 e USK 3905, entrambi mal preservati, orientati W-E e deposti in decubito dorsale all’interno delle fosse sepolcrali UUSS – 3901 e – 3895.

In 3891 measurements were taken on the total station, photos were taken for photogrammetry, and the bones from the reduction were removed that were not in contact or articulation with the skeleton of 3889. They also continued to expose the grave. 3902 continued to expose their skeleton and remove dirt from the skull. Finally in 3896 the skeleton was further exposed in preparation for photos. It was also prepped for removal and further documentation. Julia was in Osteo lab in the morning.  Noelle was in GIS lab in the afternoon. Madison was in Osteo lab in the afternoon.

Area 5000

Continua lo scavo del taglio US -5499. Dopo aver asportato le lastre di ardesia è comparso un ulteriore riempimento a matrice limo-argillosa e di colore bruno nel quale compaiono frammenti di osso per adesso molto difficili da identificare. La pulizia del settore D invece ha messo in evidenza la forma effettiva di US 5507, un riempimento già emerso negli scorsi giorni ma di cui risultava difficile determinare i limiti del taglio e la sua cronologia in relazione con la struttura muraria USM 5042. E' stato verificato che l'US dalla forma sub circolare orientata in senso Nordest-Sudovest è stata effettivamente intercettata dalla struttura muraria sopracitata e che quindi risulta antecedente alle fasi di costruzione degli edifici abbaziali di XII secolo.


The students in section D extended the cut downwards with the intention of reaching the level where the bones were found, however, more bones and teeth were found during this extension. A large piece of pottery with a green glaze was also found. The work in this section did not continue in the afternoon due to labs. Some of the students in section C continued excavating the second cranium in one hole, while in the adjoining hole more bone fragments began to be uncovered. The rest of the students dug a 30 cm trench to bisect area 5000. The cranium was mostly excavated by the end of the day, leaving about a quarter of the cranium remaining.

Area 6000

Quest'oggi è terminata la messa in luce di USk 6204 ed iniziata la documentazione in situ con annessa rimozione. L'individuo si presenta orientato ovest-est, sul margine settentrionale del settore sud dell'area, in posizione supina, con le braccia poggiate sul ventre, la sinistra più in alto della destra. La conservazione risulta alterata da azioni di scavo sepolcrale successive alla sua deposizione, così da avere il cranio tagliato e toccato da un laterizio appartenente, verosimilmente, ad una tomba a cassa relativa ad altra sepoltura. Anche il lato sinistro del corpo risulta appena intercettato da altra sepoltura parallela ad USk 6204 stesso. Le forze sono state poi indirizzate sul settore nord dell'area, coperto alla fine della precedente campagna di scavo, per individuare nuove sepolture da indagare nelle successive settimane.

Today in burial 6204 we continued to clean the skeleton and once completed photographs were taken for 3D photogrammetry, and the Total Station was used to measure the elevation of the remains. We were also taught how to properly complete skeletal context sheets correctly. Once the lecture was completed we began to fill out the context sheet for burial 6204 including sketching the remains. Tomorrow we will be able to remove the bones from the area in order to evaluate the strata beneath the remains.

One member of the group finished her osteology lab today where she finished cleaning the last of the vertebrae, and then began gluing the bone fragments together. Afterwards, she had a lesson in estimating sex using morphological traits. Only the skull was useful as all other relevant elements were too fragmented to score.

In burial 6215, we continued exposing the cranium, and we discovered a long bone with an attached patella. We were unsure whether this was a tibia or a femur, so we were not sure which direction the body was oriented also calling into question the exact perimeter of the cut.

One member of the group finished her GIS lab in the morning. She finished tracing the elements of the skeleton she was assigned. Another member of the group started her GIS lab today in the afternoon. She practiced taking points using the Total Station, and had an introduction to some of the computer software that we will be using.

Most of the group finished the day by starting to clean off the dirt and stones from a section of area 6000 that had yet to be cleared of coverings from the previous excavation season. We hope to remove the cloth coverings tomorrow morning in preparation for excavation.  


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