Nella porzione meridionale del settore si è proceduto con la rimozione del riempimento US 3841 di US – 3840 a matrice argillosa di colore grigio-giallastro e di consistenza abbastanza compatta. A nord della fossa sepolcrale US - 3858 sono state indagate due buche di piccole dimensioni, di cui una (US – 3879), piuttosto profonda e di forma quadrata, collocata ad est di US – 3877 e l’altra, US – 3849, di forma circolare. È possibile che entrambe le buche siano state realizzate per ospitare dei piccoli pali, forse dei segnacoli funerari per le tombe US – 3858 e US - 3830, oppure per la realizzazione di una struttura lignea collegata alle fasi di cantiere per la costruzione della chiesa di XI secolo. Nella porzione settentrionale, dopo aver abbassato il settore, si è proceduto con la pulizia accurata, con lo scopo di mettere in luce i nuovi livelli raggiunti.
Today at the site we cleaned up the whole section of the site.
Three cuts and fills on the south side were excavated. A serious and two holes, one of which is potentially a severe marker. Contact sheets were filled out for these and measurements as well as photographs were taken. Madison was in GIS lab.
In the cut within section D two more bones were uncovered, an arm bone and an unidentified bone. The femur was uncovered more and a fill within the hole was dug uncovering bone fragment, including a part of a jaw with a tooth still attached as well as several glass fragments. Today the students in section C continued unearthing the cranium that was discovered yesterday. In that same hole pieces of pottery were found and a picture was taken. Three more holes were dug on the western side of the wall that separates section C and D. At least one was defined as a posthole, and is assumed that the hole was cut by the building of the wall. In two of the holes, pieces of burnt brick were uncovered and in the southernmost new hole, a piece of blackened pottery was found. The rest of area C was cleaned.
Nel settore occidentale dell'area è stata rimossa la riduzione US 6215 che andava a coprire la sepoltura USk 6220. Quest'ultima è attualmente in fase di messa in luce. Contestualmente, sul lato orientale prosegue la messa in luce dell'individuo USk 6217, l'individuo deposto nello spazio di risparmio tra 3 tombe a cassa e due più recenti sepolture. L'estrema prossimità alla facciata della chiesa rende la zona densamente sfruttata a livello di sepolture, ciò ha compromesso molte di esse che risultano, una volta esposte, tagliate, asportate o parzialmente intercettate da altre.
Today we completed the excavation of the reduction by removing the cranium of 6215. Afterwards, began working on the grave containing 6220, the more recent burial, and 6222, its fill. We simultaneously worked on further exposing the leg bones, and also levelling the fill on the left side of the burial, first using a hand pickaxe to clear a thick level, and then with a trowel and other tools. In this section, we uncovered an arm bone and several phalanges, as well the remaining part of the left leg and the entire arm leg.
In 6221, we continued exposing the fill of burial 6217, removing surface bones and smaller rocks and exposing the main skeleton underneath layer by layer. Many more disarticulated and fragmented bones were discovered, as well as most of a foot. No accompanying tibia or fubula has yet been uncovered. However, another piece of what appears to be copper was found in the fill, and was added to the bag already containing copper, glass, and pottery. Also, a third animal bone was found, possibly from a bird.