16 LUGLIO 2014  

Resoconto della giornata di scavo


Con la giornata di oggi si concludono le riprese televisive di Superquark. Il presentatore RAI, Giovanni Carrada, ha registrato un bellissimo servizio che indaga in modo serio e divulgativo la portata scientifica del nostro scavo, ne sottolinea le potenzialità e spiega l’evoluzione storica del territorio e dell’abbazia medievali. Il documentario sarà trasmesso all’interno della puntata di Superquark del prossimo 21 agosto.

Da oggi inoltre avremo come ospite e supervisore il dottor Clark Spencer Larsen (Ohio State University), che, assieme al professor Gino Fornaciari (Università di Pisa), detiene la direzione scientifica del progetto “Field School Pozzeveri”.

Area 2000

Ricostruzione fotogrammetrica 3D delle sepolture USk 2447 e 2449


Today in area 2000 we continued to excavate three skeletons In the western extension of sector A. The two most northern skeletons were exposed with a local Italian film crew documenting the process from exposure to removing the skeleton. The two skeletons were sexed as male and female and are in the process of being removed. The skeleton in the southern part of sector A extension is still being exposed and small beads were found in relation to the skeleton. The northern extension of sector B was cleaned in search of possible cuts. This process will continue tomorrow. 

Area 3000


Today in Area 3000, a skeleton in the northwest portion of Sector B was uncovered. It was missing the right arm bones, possibly being cut by another grave. The hands were crossed on its chest. Based on the nails found around the skeleton, it was originally buried in a wooden coffin. In addition, its ribs were compressed so it may have been buried in a shroud. The skeleton will be removed tomorrow. The skull in the south west portion of Sector B was further excavated. It was orientated south-north and may have been cut by the lithic coffin, located south of the cranium. In addition to this, another burial in the central southern area of Sector B was also excavated. The burial is of a small individual oriented west to east. The feet and lower legs of the individual were buried and the rest of the body was to be uncovered. However, upon further excavation it could be seen that the left femur was cut by another perpendicular burial, leaving a cranium in the place where the femur should have been. The right side of the body continued up to the ribs, where a small medallion was found. Another cranium overlaid the ribs, but it is not likely to be from the same individual. More scattered bones were apparent around the body, but it does not appear that the full skeleton is in place. Tomorrow, the relationship between the skull and lithic coffin will be explored.

Area 4000


In area 4000 we began by sponging out residual water from the recent rain. After the sponging we cleaned the surface with trowels to remove the muddy layer, both to make the area more accessible and to reveal different contexts. Part of the group spent the day working on the medieval wall that extends north from the western most wall of the cloister. After photographing the wall we removed the slate layer directly to the east of the wall until we reached the clay fill underneath. The other section of the group worked on the various contexts of area 400 which contain human remains. In US 4178, we removed the mud layer and due to the recent rain we discovered that the cut continued westward approximately 10 centimeters. In removing this fill, we discovered more bones within the fill. As of right now, we believe this skeleton is articulated but only with further excavation can we be certain. In US 4205 we discovered a long bone from the arm above and perpendicular to the two femurs and two tibia also discovered today. We are unsure if these bones represent one person as these bones are at strange angles for primary burials. Further excavation is needed to be certain. In US 4189 we uncovered several bones including a long bone from the leg extending to the east of the eastern most skull. This burial was cut by US -4809 and further excavation will reveal how much of the skeleton remains in context. 

Area 5000


In area 5000, we started the day filling out a context sheet for the area 5002. we cleaned the area from north to south. Within cleaning the area, we found more pottery, fauna, nails, and slag. WE have also found what can possibly be about 15 holes and cuts throughout the entire area of 5000. we will need to further excavate the entire area in order to further understand the context of these empressions. 


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