23 GIUGNO 2017  

Resoconto della giornata di scavo


Si conclude oggi la prima settimana di scavo!

Area 2000

Our initial plan was to finish pick-axing and leveling the section, followed by a deep trowel in order to do a soil profile and take photos. However, we uncovered human remains in three different spots along the northwest side of the site and 2-3 potential burials. One of the bone fragments was an isolated left rib (3-10); one of the other two is possibly a humerus, while the other at first examination was believed to be a clavicle, but after uncovering more of the bone, it now may potentially be an ulna. We then took down the section wall further to show the profile in order to look for more bones, as well as to show of the stratigraphy of the soil around the graves. It was decided that we will first continue to excavate around the wall and determine the grave outlines, whilst preserving the context. Because the graves are below the 14th century wall, they are from the 10th to 11th century. 

Area 3000

 Nella porzione settentrionale del Settore B è stato individuato ciò che resta del taglio di una fossa sepolcrale (US – 3762), di forma ellittica, orientato W-E immediatamente a sud del perimetrale settentrionale USM 3083. La rimozione del riempimento US 3763, a matrice argillo-limosa di colore giallo-bruno e di consistenza abbastanza compatta, ha messo in luce il cranio di un individuo adulto di sesso femminile, posto in norma laterale sinistra e complessivamente mal preservato. Il resto del corpo è stato intercettato ed asportato da alcune tombe successive. Nella porzione meridionale del settore continua la pulizia accurata della superficie e l’individuazione dei limiti di alcune fosse sepolcrali.

Today we only had Leah, Darcy and Rachael digging on the area. Several sections of sector B were excavated; one of the skulls revealed during general cleaning was exposed along with a vertebrae in context 3763. The bone and teeth were blackened due to age and soil composition. Context 3765-68 was fully excavated and nothing significant was found. The plot was originally two separate contexts but we found that both were composed of the same soil components and there was no wall between the two. 3765-68 was previously thought to have cut another grave. Finds include metal slag (a byproduct of metal working), two small bone fragments, and a few roof-tile fragments. After context 3765-68 was fully excavated, we moved to a plot of interest to the West of the bell furnace. After a question about the soil texture being hard and dense like clay where only a small piece of pottery was recovered, a single tooth was found on the downslope of the plot in looser soil. At the beginning of the next week, we expect to continue the recovery of the skull in context 3763 and the opening of two new graves in the South West corner of sector B. 

Area 5000

Today we cleaned section b and photographed it and then began using a pickaxe to remove the soil on the top layer of section c, which was most likely fill used to level the ground for the melting of the bronze for the bell as well as for the bell mold itself. We found several small cobbles, most likely just part of the fill, as well as two locations, one marked by a high concentration of black sediment, most likely charcoal, and one marked by a concentration of red sediment, both of which may be holes which may have to be excavated later. On monday we will clean the area and level it, which will help to determine whether there is anything else noteworthy in section c.

Area 6000

Quest'oggi è proseguita la rimozione dei riempimenti e strati messi in luce nei giorni precedenti. Sul lato occidentale del settore US 6169 sta venendo rimosso e si conferma sempre più essere il riempimento di una fossa sepolcrale in nuda terra. La peculiarità di questa operazione è che tale sepoltura tende lievemente verso sud nel suo orientamento est-ovest, così che risulta essere intercettata dalla struttura USM 6004, il muro (anch'esso orientato est-ovest) che si ferma in coincidenza del cantonale abbaziale di seconda fase. L'indagine sul rapporto che intercorre tra struttura e sepoltura potrà chiarire la cronologia della seconda e porre nella forchetta cronologica dei termin post ante quem di grande importanza. Sul lato est del settore, quello a ridosso della facciata di seconda fase dell'abbazia, la rimozione del riempimento US 6168 sta già permettendo di mettere in luce un individuo, orientato est-ovest, deposto in posizione prona e con gli arti superiori incrociati sul ventre; nei prossimi giorni età, sesso, eventuali patologie e corredo saranno approfonditi. Immediatamente a nord di questa sepoltura prosegue la rimozione di US 6167, uno strato della natura del riempimento ma poggiante sul risultato del collasso di una copertura litica in lastre di ardesia: queste, in seguito a cedimenti del terreno, devono essere collassate facendo cedere anche un soprastante riempimento successivo il quale si presente, oggi, come un accumulo di ossa direttamente sulle lastre.

Today, we continued to excavate three of the five potential burial features on the south section of area 6000.  The complete burial cut was identified for one of the burial features and the fill was removed in increments to expose any remains.  Bone fragments were found within the fill and placed in labeled bags.  The other two features were located next to each other and the burial fill was gradually removed in these features as well.  A skeleton was visible in one of the burials and the upper portion of the remains were exposed today.  The other adjacent burial contained three slabs of slate with bones placed on top of them.  A potential articulated skeleton may be located beneath the slate.  Continued excavation may expose skeletons within two of the burials and the lower portion of the remains in the third feature.


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