04 LUGLIO 2017  

Resoconto della giornata di scavo


Una nuova giornata si è conclusa. A breve i diari di scavo.

Area 2000

We split into three groups, with one group continuing to excavate the skeleton, the second finishing the post hole, and the third group identifying grave outlines east of the post hole. The post hole was photographed, and the three grave outlines were defined. We started excavating one of the potential burials, attempting to define the edges. The outline of the potential grave was a different shape than expected, and there was a yellow clay intrusion that was part of the fill on top of the north portion. An organized array of rocks were found within the grave, and they were left in situ for photographs and for elevation points. Additionally, elevation points were taken after the rocks were removed. Further excavation revealed a left humerus and possibly an ulna, both of which were extending from a cut not yet excavated. The rest of the cut has been taken down, and we intend to remove a few more centimeters to level it with the exposed bone. On the skeleton, five right ribs were uncovered, the right scapula, possibly one left rib, and more of the vertebral column were found. Both humeri were fully exposed. A stratigraphic context sheet was filled out for the cut and for the fill of the post hole. 

Area 3000

 Lungo il perimetrale meridionale USM 5003, nella porzione sud-occidentale del Settore B, è stata completata la messa in luce dell’individuo USK 3781, orientato W-E e deposto in decubito dorsale all’interno della fossa sepolcrale US – 3769. L’inumato, probabilmente una donna adulta, si presenta in cattivo stato di conservazione; il cranio, in apparizione laterale sinistra,è stato schiacciato verso il basso, così come gli arti superiori, il torace, le ginocchia e le tibie. La decomposizione è avvenuta in spazio vuoto, come conferma l’appiattimento del torace e del bacino e la lassità generale delle articolazioni, soprattutto le ossa della mano sinistra, dislocate dall’avambraccio e cadute verso il basso. A ridosso della facciata USM 3380 si è proceduto con la rimozione dell’individuo USK 3786, la cui parte superiore del cranio, all’altezza della mandibola, è stata intercettata ed asportata dal muro dell’abbazia di XII secolo; l’inumato può essere quindi associato con ogni probabilità ai livelli di frequentazione della canonica di XI secolo.

Today, both skeletons were completely exposed and we began fully excavating the separate bones. In skeleton 3781, the tibiae, fibulae, right patella, both femurs, the entire right arm, the left radius, both hands, and part of the skull were fully excavated. The entire other skeleton was removed and they found another cut in the grave while cleaning the area. Tomorrow, skeleton 3781 will be completely excavated and another grave will be opened. 

Area 5000

Continua lo scavo dei riempimenti individuati la scorsa settimana grazie alla ripulitura generale del settore C. Uno di questi (US 5376) conserva al suo interno numerosi frammenti di carbone e della malta povera a base terrosa che potrebbe far pensare a fasi di costruzione di strutture che prevedevano l'utilizzo di materiale diverso dal legno. Il lato Est del settore invece presenta due riempimenti, US 5353 e US 5354, rispettivamente di un taglio circolare e uno squadrato piuttosto grande. Il primo presenta al suo interno un frammento osseo umano forse rinvenuto in antico da livelli inferiori al momento della costruzione della struttura medievale che sorge immediatamente a Est. Nell'altro sono stati individuati frammenti ceramici privi di rivestimento e alcuni elementi litici di piccole dimensioni.


Today we continued to excavate several of the holes found previously. One of the holes, directly north of the ash-filled hole excavated yesterday, protruded somewhat into section b. It was wider on the southern half than the northern and was marked by several black stains outlining the perimeter. Upon further excavation and examination, it was determined that this hole was actually cut by a smaller, circular hole in the narrower section protruding into section b. This smaller hole was excavated and was found to contain a large concentration of charcoal, as well as some grey, clay-like mortar mostly concentrated in the southern wall of the hole. It was found that the bottom of this smaller hole was a single flat, slanted, grey stone which extends beyond the boundaries of the hole in all directions, and which will be further examined upon full excavation of the larger hole it is contained by. Upon continued excavation of the larger hole, it was found that the mortar found in the southern wall of the smaller hole was simply part of the fill of the larger hole it was cut into. 

Two other holes were partial excavated along side the earliest wall runnig north to south along side the church. At first it appeared as if the two holes were one in the same, however upon excavating the holes we discovered that the two holes contained different types of fills. The smaller hole contained normal soil with minimal amounts of rocks and a fragmented shaft of a long bone. The larger hole on the other hand was comprised of large rocks, charcoal, quartz, and possibly small amounts of marble. Trace amounts of flint were also discovered in the hole. At the end of our work day we determined that this hole in question has a bottom that is not even throughout and instead deeper in the southern section of the hole.

Area 6000

Terminata la rimozione dell'individuo USK 6175 è iniziata la messa in luce di una riduzione presente all'interno del suo riempimento. Durante tale operazione è affiorata una struttura in elementi litici di medie dimensioni orientata ovest-est su cui poggiava l'emitorace sinistro del suddetto individuo (motivo per cui le coste di destra si trovavano ad una quota inferiore). La prossima indagine verterà sulla comprensione di tale struttura e la sua eventuale funzione. Ad ovest, nel settore, procede la rimozione del riempimento US 6169 con la relativa messa in luce di quella che ormai sembra essere, senza dubbio, una riduzione sul lato meridionale della fossa.

Today, we finished excavating the remains documented as 6175 and preserved them for further analysis. Large stones were uncovered at the bottom of the burial and were determined to be the cause of the remains to be slanted. This caused the left side to be located at a higher depth than the right side.  We are in the processing of finding the bottom of the burial and the surrounding cut.  While doing this, we uncovered additional bones along the south margin if the grave including a skull and other smaller bones.  In 6169, we continued to remove the burial fill and expose the possible reduction along the south edge. 


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