Nella porzione settentrionale del settore la rimozione dell'individuo USK 6515, deposto supino all'interno della cassa litica USM 6123, ha permesso l'individuazione di un altro inumato, sepolto al di sotto di esso. A nord-ovest continua la messa in luce di due individui, USK 6516 e USK 6525, entrambi orientati W-E e anteriori alla costruzione della cassa litica, che li intercetta in corrispondenza degl arti inferiori. A sud-est si procede con l'esposizione delle numerose ossa sparse posizionate al di sopra del corpo di un inumato in connessione anatomica, che sarà meglio esposto nei prossimi giorni.
Area 6000/A - In the northwestern section we finished exposing the most recent individual, soon we will expose the individual beneath it to ultimately remove them both. In the southeast section we continued to expose the scattered remains to further understand their placement. Yet another potential cranium was found in the area for a total of three. In addition to the cranium we also found a piece of material that it is yet unclear whether it is bone or ceramics. In the southwestern sector we worked to further expose the curved vertebral column and the pelvis. In the pelvic region were more scattered bones including possible metatarsals and metacarpals and cranial fragments.
Area 6000/B - Today, we continued to excavate the skeleton in 6250, including the lower limbs, feet, ribs, cranium, and pelvis. For the skeleton in 6242, we removed fill above the lower limbs and feet, removing a crushed cranium in the process. We then exposed both tibias and the left fibula. We also continued to clean and expose the rest of the skeleton as well. Tomorrow, we plan on finishing the context sheets for 6253 and continuing to expose the skeletons.
Today we started with the removal of US 7029, a layer with a predominantly clayey gray color characterized by the presence of lithic fragments, bricks and decaying lime lumps. The layer covers the southern portion of the area and seems to have a rather consistent thickness. Inside we have found so far pottery of modern age, numerous iron nails and interesting fragments of cocciopesto with a very good workmanship.
Today began by quickly brushing the area, specifically level 7029. Next, markers were placed in order to take pictures of the area. GIS points were taken as well as photographs. Then, area 7029 was pickaxed to expose the layer underneath. In this new layer many ceramic pieces were found. Also found were a few nails, some animal bones, many bricks as well as mortar, a small sheet of metal about 2 cm long, and more pieces of cocciopesto.